Battle-Ground: Fact and Fantasy in Palestine - by Samuel Katz
Battleground: Fact and Fantasy in Palestine is a history of the roots of the Arab–Israeli conflict by Shmuel Katz. The book analyzes the...
Battle-Ground: Fact and Fantasy in Palestine - by Samuel Katz
Myths and Facts – by Mitchell G. Bard
Palestinian Manipulation of the International Community - by Alan Baker
The Spider Web: The Roots of BDS and the Campaign to Delegitimize Israel – by Ehud Rosen
Israelophobia and the West: The Hijacking of Civil Discourse on Israel... - by Dan Diker
Philistine to Palestine: Exposing the World's Biggest Deception - by Joseph D. Shellim
A Free Nation in Our Land - by Dan Illouz
From Time Immemorial - by Joan Peters